Monday, February 28, 2011


Tal vez ustedes piensan el chico japones es comico.

Pero actualmente el es el profesor de tutular de la universidad en tokio y estudioso.
Su nombre es SAKANA-kun.
Sakana es pez en el japones.
Su real nombre es Masayuki Miyazawa.

Maybe you think this Japanese guy is a comedian.
But actually he is a assistant professor of a university in Tokyo and scholar.
His name is SAKANA-kun.
Sakana is fish in Japanese.
His real name is Masayuki Miyazawa.

El siempre tiene este sombrero de pez, alegre y habla voz alta

He always have this cap of fish, cheerful, and speaks in high pitch voice.

El es el biologo, estudioso de pez.
Desde ama pez mucho, y enseño respectar pez y proteccion del natural.
El respecta pez y trata lo como gente, y para el pez y humano son iguales.

He is a biologist, and reseaching about fish.
He really loves fish, and teaching people to respect fish and protect natural environment. He always respect fish and treat fish like human. For him, fish and human are equal.

Mucha gente piensaron que el es como comediante y raro.
Pero año pasado el dedescubro Kuromasu.
Kuromasu es pez que dicen que se extinguiron 70 años antes.
Este es gran noticia de año pasado.

He often shows up in the television program, and many people think he is like a comedian and strange.
But last year, he made a great discovery.
He found that Kuromasu is still exist in Japan.
Kuromasu is a kind of fish and has been thought to be distincted 70 years ago.

Aun emperador de japon albranza de su obra.
Este es el video de emperador y la entrevista de sakana-kun.

Even emperor prased his achievement.
This is the video of press conferense of the emperor and sakana-kun.

Ah, si el tiene el sombrero de pez?
Mira este video.
Este es una asociation (academia) de ictiologia (pez) en su universidad.
Aun el Emperador asisto alla, Sakana-kun tuvo ese sombrero. jajaja

Eh, if he often wears the cap of fish?
OK, look at this video.
This is the academic conference of ichithyological (fish) academy at his university.
Even emperor attended, Sakana-kun wore his cap.

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