Thursday, March 10, 2011

gatos idolos en japon (cat idols in Japan)

Escribi Nyaran, la mascota de jyalan commercial antes.
I wrote about Nyaran, the mascot of Jyalan TV commercial before.

Este es otro video de Nyaran. ( Nyran se quedo en un hotel en tokio).
This is another video of Nyaran (Nyaran stayed at a hotel in Tokyo)

Hay otros gatos famosos en television o internet.
There are other cats very popular on the tv or internet.

1. Tama Ekicho
( la gata, jefe de estacion)

Tama Ekicho
( The cat, stationmaster)

La gata, Tama es el jefe de Shiki tren estacion el campo.
Antes este tren es se despoblaro, y hay plan terminarlo.
Pero desde cuando esta gata se siento en salida del estacion y recibo los pasajeros, mucha touristas visitan este pequeña estacion para verlo.
Su libro de fotografia, DVD, videos se venden.
Ella es muy popular en japon.
Este tren compania gano 10 million american dolares de Tama.

This cat, Tama is the stationmaster of Shiki station.
Before this train line was not used much and it was planned to be abolished.
But since this cat sit at the exit of this station and welcomes passengers, many tourists visit this station to see her.
His photobooks, videos, DVDs are selling well.
She is very famous cat in Japan.
She contributed 10 million american dollars to the train company.

Ella aun ha dado la noticia de CNN (USA).
She was even reported at the CNN

2. Shio chan

El es mi favorito.
Shio chan vive con el japones en Estado Unidos.
El japones pone sus videos en you tube, y ahora sus videos y blog son muy popular por las japonesas. Y su DVD se vende.

This is my favorite.
Shio lives in the States with a Japanese guy.
He uploaded the videos of Shio-chan (his cat) on you tube, and now his videos and blog are very popular and he has many female fans.
And his DVD is on sale.

Ese gato, Shio-chan hable el japones, " OKAERI".
La traduccion de Okaeri es no hay en español.
Es con Bienvenido! cuando tu familia regresa a casa, otra persona en casa dice asi.

This cat speak Japanese word, " Okaeri".
There is no exact translation in English, but we say this when family come back to the home and welcome.

3. Cya cya

Este gato hable " Maguro umai " cuando el come sasimi de atun.
maguro es atun, y umai es rico en el japones.
" Atun rico, rico" dice.

This cat speak one phrase, " Maguro uma uma" when he eats sasimi of tuna.
maguro is tuna , y umai is delicios in English.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Esta es mi commercial favorito de television.
This is my favorite television commercial.

Esta compania es un servicio de resevasion) de los hoteles y viaje, se llama JYARAN.

Y su mascota es ese gato, y su nombre es NYARAN.

Nya es voz de gatos el japones.
Nya-ran es gato version de Jyaran.
Su publicidad y Nyaran son muy populares en japon.
El gato viaja a muchos lugares en japon.

This company provide service on the line to reserve hotels and trips, and it is called Jyaran.
And its mascot is a male cat, y his name is Nyaran.
In Japan, cry of the cats is nyah.
so they named Nya-ran after Jyaran.
This commercial and Nyaran is getting very popular in Japan now.
The cat is travelling all around Japan.

En este video, Nyaran visita un ryokan ( hotel estilo traditional japon).

In this video, Nyaran visitede a ryokan, traditional Japanese hotel.

Cuando llego al ryokan, Nyaran toma onsen ( aguas termales).
Aguas termales son una cultura importante en japon.
Nos gustan mucho.

When he arrived at the ryokan, he went to take a onsen (hot spring).
Hot spring is a very important Japanese culture.
We love onsen (hot spring a lot)

Pero el gato ha equivocado y el fue a baño (spa) para mujeres.
El dijo que " mmmmmm. aye, este es para mujeres!!!!!! perdon.
Y el salio y fue a baño para hombres.

But this cat had made a mistake, and he went to the hot spring for women.
He said, " mmmmm, oh, this is for women. Sorry." y he left and went to the hot spring for men.

Como ves, en japon, nosotros tomamos agua termales o baño publico desnudo.
Muchos aguas caliente prohibido tener toalla ni traje de baños.
Tienes que quitarte toda la ropa.... incluso ropa interior.
En este video, las mujeres tienen toallas, pero es para video. Normalmente tenemos que quitarnos todas la ropa.

As you can see, in Japan, the japanese take public bath or hot spring in naked. You have to take off all of your clothes, including underwear.
In this video, the women wore towels around their bodies, but it is for this commercial film. Usually we just take off all of our clothes.

Alguinas aguas termales son mixtos, mujeres y hombres.
ah, pero yo nunca he probado.....
actualmente no me gusta mucho tomar baño con otras personas sin ropas.
Pero esta es una cultura japonesa.
Ni modo.

There are some mix hot spring.
Mix means, women and men take bath together.
Eh, I have never tried that before.
Honestly I do not like take bath naked with other people so much.
But this is Japanese culture, so it cannot be helped it.

En japon, baño ( bañera, tiña) y agua caliente son para relajar.
Especialimente, aguas termales son muy buena para tu saludo, heridas, enfermedades.

In Japan, taking bath and hot spring is for relaxing.
Especially, hot spring is told that it is good for your health, injury and illness.

Una cosa que extraño de japon cuando vivia en otros paises, es agua caliente.
tomar baño en afuera viendo monte o rios o vista maravillosa es muy divertido y relajado.
Pruebalo cuando vistes japon.

One thing I missed about Japan when I lived in other countries was hot spring.
Taking bath in outside looking at mountains, rivers and beautiful scenary is really enjoying and relaxing.
You should try that some day.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

celular peluche ( cell phone accessories)

Aun una japonesa como yo no entiende es mucha japonesas les gustan poner muchas accesorios en sus celular.

Even a Japanese girl like me do not understand is many Japanese girls like to put many accessories with their cell phones.

Accesorios pequeños estan bien. es normal (en japon).

Accessories smaller is good ( it is very normal in Japan).

Pero ellas ponen muchos peluches grandes.... como asi.

But those girls put many dolls like these.

Como hacer llamada con estos???

How can they make a phone call???

Antes accesorios son pequeños pero estos años ponen unos peluches grandes es popular.
Pero no todos japoneses.
Las chicas jovenes. Especialimente chicas segundaria estudientes.

Before, the accessories had been smaller, but these a few years, putting many bigger dolls is getting popular.
But not all Japanese girl.
Especially younger girls, like high school students. (But some twenish y thirtish,too)

No tengo nada en mi celular.
Y otras me preguntaron porque no tengo nada...
Ellos piensan es rara.
I do not have any accessory on my phone, and other people ask me why I do not put any.
They think it is strange....

No solo celular, pero tambien ellas ponen peluches mas grandes en sus bolsas.

They also have much bigger dolls on their bags.

Eh, yo puse este titulo " cellular peluche" a proposito de " La familia peluche", porque esa tele programma es mi favorita. jajajajaja.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

dormiendo en tren (sleeping on the train)

One thing foreign tourists are surprised to see that many Japanese people are sleeping on the train.
Look at these videos.

Una cosa, touristas extranjeros se sorprenden en japon es muchos japoneses estan dormiendo en tren.
Mira estos videos.

Many videos like these have been uploaded en youtube.
Muchos videos como asi han ponen en youtube.

Actually for the Japanese, this is really common.
If we have 10 minutes on the train, we take a nap.

Pero actualmente para nosotros, dormir en tren es commun.
Si tenemos 10 minutos, vamos a dormir. jajaja

More over the average of commuting time in Tokyo is about 1 and half hour.
3 hours on the train per day, 18 hours a week.
Why not we sleep on the train?

Ademas, promedio de tiempo para ir a trabajo en tokio es 1 hora y media.
Pues 3 horas por 1 dia, 18 horas por 1 semana.
Mejor dormir en tren, no?

As you know many Japanese students study til late at night, and people have to work overtime.
Many Japanese people go home late, and do not have many free time. So they reduce their sleeping time to watch tv , internet or other things.
And they are tired.
Another thing is relatively Japanese train is safe.
Surely there are some pick pockets though.

Los estudiantes japoneses tienen que estudiar hasta tarde la noche.
Y mucho gente trabajo horas extras y regresan a sus casa tarde.
No tienen mucho tiempo libre, pues ellos reducian tiempo para dormir por ver tele o chequar internet.
Ellos estan cansado todos los dias.

Relativemente, tren in japon es seguro.
si, hay robos, pero no mucho.

Actually it is prohibited to take photos of esperially girls on the train.
If the police find it, the person would be arrested.
Because there are perverts or stalkers taking photos of girls.

One day when I was on the subway, a group of Spanish tourists got on the train and took photos of us. It was early morning to go to work, and we are stanned. But it was so sudden that we could not say anything. Maybe they will upload it on the net....

Actualmente es prohibido tomar fotos de chicas en tren.
Si policia verlo, ellos arrestan ese hombre.
Porque hay muchos mañosos o acosadores toman fotos de chicas.
Otra dia, cuando estaba en metro par ir a trabajo, un gropo de esapañoles entraron a tren y toman nos fotos. QUe sorpresa!

Monday, February 28, 2011


Tal vez ustedes piensan el chico japones es comico.

Pero actualmente el es el profesor de tutular de la universidad en tokio y estudioso.
Su nombre es SAKANA-kun.
Sakana es pez en el japones.
Su real nombre es Masayuki Miyazawa.

Maybe you think this Japanese guy is a comedian.
But actually he is a assistant professor of a university in Tokyo and scholar.
His name is SAKANA-kun.
Sakana is fish in Japanese.
His real name is Masayuki Miyazawa.

El siempre tiene este sombrero de pez, alegre y habla voz alta

He always have this cap of fish, cheerful, and speaks in high pitch voice.

El es el biologo, estudioso de pez.
Desde ama pez mucho, y enseño respectar pez y proteccion del natural.
El respecta pez y trata lo como gente, y para el pez y humano son iguales.

He is a biologist, and reseaching about fish.
He really loves fish, and teaching people to respect fish and protect natural environment. He always respect fish and treat fish like human. For him, fish and human are equal.

Mucha gente piensaron que el es como comediante y raro.
Pero año pasado el dedescubro Kuromasu.
Kuromasu es pez que dicen que se extinguiron 70 años antes.
Este es gran noticia de año pasado.

He often shows up in the television program, and many people think he is like a comedian and strange.
But last year, he made a great discovery.
He found that Kuromasu is still exist in Japan.
Kuromasu is a kind of fish and has been thought to be distincted 70 years ago.

Aun emperador de japon albranza de su obra.
Este es el video de emperador y la entrevista de sakana-kun.

Even emperor prased his achievement.
This is the video of press conferense of the emperor and sakana-kun.

Ah, si el tiene el sombrero de pez?
Mira este video.
Este es una asociation (academia) de ictiologia (pez) en su universidad.
Aun el Emperador asisto alla, Sakana-kun tuvo ese sombrero. jajaja

Eh, if he often wears the cap of fish?
OK, look at this video.
This is the academic conference of ichithyological (fish) academy at his university.
Even emperor attended, Sakana-kun wore his cap.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

rave party in Japan ( el mas grande musica electronica/techno fiesta en japon)

WIRE es el evento de la musica electronica (techno, rave party) mas grande en Japon.
Año pasado WIRE10 (10=2010) se dan en Yokohama.
(Yokohama es la capital de Kanagawa, al lado de Tokio).
El boleto es como 138 dolares (ahora 83yen=1dolares. yenes es fuerte).
Muchos DJ famosos (como Jeff Mills) de todo el mundo participaron.
En este video, el japones, se llama Takkyu Ishino hizo DJ.
El es popular DJ japones, y hizo DJ al la fista LOVE PARADE (techno parade) en Berlin, Alemania antes.

Mayoria discotecas (antros) de techno (musica electronica) se cerraron,
como Yellow, Maniac Love, etc.
Si te gusta techno, te recomeindo WIRE.
Ah, aunque este es RAVE PARTY, no puedes llevar drogas. Esta prohibido. jajaja

WIRE is the biggest techno rave party in Japan.
Just once a year, and last year it was held in Yokohama.
The ticket price was about 138 american dollars.
Famous DJs such as Jeff Mills came to play.
In this video, a Japanese DJ, Takkyu Ishino was dj-ing.
He is a popular DJ in Japan. He did dj-ing at the LOVE PARADE in Berlin,Germany before.

Most of the famous techno clubs such as Yellow or Maniac Love had been closed.
If you like techno, I highly recommend this event, WIRE.
Eh one thing, although this is a rave party, you cannot bring any drugs, it is prohibited. LOL

FAQ ( preguntas más frecuentes) a los japoneses (for the Japansese)

1.  Ustedes comen perros,no ?
    ( Do the Japanese eat dogs, no ?)

 ------- no,  nosotros no comemos  perros.    (The Japanese do not eat dogs.)
            Alguinos chinos comen.     (Some chinese people eat them,)

2. las japonesas tienen la misma apariencia tuya?
    (All Japanese girls look like you? )

----------  No, they look different.
                  No, todas las japonesas somos diferentes.  Each Japanese girls are different.

3.  Chinas, coreanas, japonesas, son todas iguales?
     (China, Korea, Japan are all the same).

------ mmmmm., for us, we are so different from Chinese and Koreans.
         mmmm, por nosotros, somos diferente de los chinos y coreanos.
         Nosotros puedemos distinguir quein es chino y quien es japones, porque sus caras son diferente.
        Podemos diferenciar quien es chino y quien japones, porque sus caras difierente.
       We can distinguish who are the chinese and who are the Japansese, because our faces are different.

4,  China es la capital de japon?
      China is the capital of Japan?

------- No. capital de Japan is Tokyo.
           no , la capital de japon es tokio.
           china es otro pais.

5. Puedes leer y hablar idioma chino y coreano?
  (Can Japanese read and speak chinese and korean?)

------- Los japoneses no pueden hablar ni leer chinos ni coreano.
           Los chinos cambiaron sus kanjis durante la revolucion de su cultura.
           Y los coreanos tienen sus propio sistema de escritura.
           Los japoneses no entendemos las palabras que se hablan en el chino o el coreano.
           Aun asi, los kanjis que se usan en hong kong o taiwan son viejos, y por eso, nos resulta facil   entenderlos.

          No,  the Japanese cannot speak or read chinese nor korean (generally).
          China changed their kanji during the culture revolution.
          And Korea has their original letter called Hangul.
          Thier speaking are more different, and we do not understand.
          But taiwan and HongKing use the old style of kanji.
          Only who knows old style of kanji used in Japan before the war, understand their kanji.
          I understood most of them.